Words similar to ovulation
Example sentences for: ovulation
How can you use “ovulation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
This kit detects the mid-cycle rise of LH using morning urine with a sensitivity of 35 mIU/mL of LH and its predictive validity with respect to ovulation has been estimated as 93% [ 14 ] . Although the use of a minimum progesterone value to exclude data from anovulatory cycles from the analyses helped ensure acquisition of the mid-luteal phase samples, only 52% of samples were obtained on exactly the 5 thday from ovulation.
First, the classical view of CL development is that luteinization is inhibited by oocyte-derived luteinization inhibitors [ 32 40 41 ] , two of which have been identified as BMP-6 and -15 [ 8 12 ] . Therefore, the loss of oocyte BMP-6 and -15 at ovulation undoubtedly plays an especially prominent role in activating luteinization.
Previous studies have found changes in sex ratio following exposure to hormonally active compounds, and different effects of chemicals on mothers and fathers could have opposing effects on the sex ratio [ 22 46 ] . Hormonally induced ovulation leads to a clear reduction in the sex ratio of offspring [ 47 ] , a result that has also been found following paternal exposure to the nematocide dibromochloropropane [ 23 24 ] . Paternal, but not maternal, exposure to dioxin following an explosion at an herbicide factory in Seveso, Italy was found to reduce the sex ratio [ 26 27 ] . In contrast, among veterans of Operation Ranch Hand, the unit responsible for spraying Agent Orange and other dioxin-containing herbicides in Vietnam, paternal dioxin levels greater than 10 ppt were associated with an increased percentage of male children [ 48 ] . In the latter study, however, maternal dioxin levels were not measured (although these would be expected not to be above background), and the paternal levels were likely somewhat lower than levels in men exposed following the Seveso incident.
A number of reports have characterized constitutive expression of HSP70 and HSP90 in both immature oocytes and ovulated eggs from various species [ 32 33 34 35 36 ] . HSP70 and HSP89 are constitutively synthesized in the immature, preovulatory mouse oocyte, although the expression is not heat-inducible [ 37 ] . Levels of HSP70 mRNA decrease following oocyte maturation and ovulation [ 38 ] , and HSP70 is one of the first genes to be transcribed at the onset of zygotic gene activation in the early 2-cell mouse embryo [ 39 40 ] . Interestingly, while previous investigators did not localize HSP70 to the oolemma, they did demonstrate that the presence of anti-HSP70 antibody reduces bovine sperm-egg binding in vitro.
The medication is essentially a sequence of high dosage birth control pills, which is thought by its manufacturer to be less politically controversial than the French morning-after medication RU486, because it doesn't cause an abortion, but rather interferes with ovulation.