Example sentences for: outbound

How can you use “outbound” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Commission, therefore, assumed that the weight interval distribution for all outbound mail sent to all FPAs, excluding Canada, was a reasonable proxy for the weight interval distribution for mail sent to each FPA.

  • Combining outbound and inbound mail, and including incremental costs would result in an overall cost coverage of 119.

  • Postal Service's rates for outbound international mail.

  • Table 2, line 3 shows that in FY 2000, outbound mail had a contribution to institutional costs of $456 million.

  • and are among the three largest recipients of U.S. outbound mail, the third being . U.S. outbound mail to and exceeds the inbound mail from each of those countries by about a -to-one ratio.

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