Example sentences for: out

How can you use “out” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It's a little hard to believe that the Jasons of the world end up "straightening out," as Lewis titles the section about the worst-off cases, just as it's hard to buy the extreme view that parents are hopeless screw-ups.

  • And Rogers will be hanging out with small appliances from now on, so he can give us a report.

  • Memo to Walker: Check out Page 12 of this week's Star . Where did you get that tip--from a rump reading?

  • The in vivo evaluation was carried out in a model of highly aggressive murine bladder cancer, which has previously been used for testing various therapeutic interventions.

  • Sinn Fein will appoint a delegate to a disarmament committee when the government convenes this Thursday, and Trimble has threatened to resign and pull his party out of the joint government if the IRA hasn't handed over some weapons by February.

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