Example sentences for: ourselves

How can you use “ourselves” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • He will flatter us by the very standards he accuses us of failing to meet, by turning our peccadilloes into moral crises, by the very gloss on his publication that's all about us, and above all by giving us an excuse once a month to write about ourselves.

  • The losses America suffered that day demonstrated both the gravity of the terrorist threat and the commensurate need to prepare ourselves to meet it.

  • A torrent of books and articles has recently appeared [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], all raising serious ethical questions about the wisdom and morality of trying to use biomedical knowledge to perfect ourselves or our offspring.

  • Perhaps because we modelled ourselves after that country, we seem to be affected by the same disregard for the smaller details, which, for all their apparent insignificance, matter the most in the end."

  • It is imperative that we not get ahead of ourselves and that we avoid a speculative rush to judgment ...

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