Example sentences for: ostensibly

How can you use “ostensibly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Meanwhile, ostensibly destitute Somali refugees led lucrative secret careers as black-market merchants of relief supplies.

  • Falwell's National Liberty Journal notes that one of the ostensibly male characters, Tinky Winky, carries a purse, "is purple--the gay-pride color," and "his antenna is shaped like a triangle--the gay-pride symbol."

  • And, like McGovern, Dole was enticed into an untenable choice, not by his party's fringes, but by ostensibly responsible establishmentarian elements.

  • Specifically, soft money can be contributed in unlimited amounts so long as it is ostensibly spent on vague "party-building activities" rather than on behalf of, or at the direction of, particular candidates.

  • Communist Party boss (ostensibly a social democrat) Ion Iliescu ruled between a mob's execution of longtime strongman Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989 and his own loss of an election last year.

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