Example sentences for: orthodoxy

How can you use “orthodoxy” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The original instrument movement is several decades old, and has moved so far beyond mere novelty that in some repertoires, it might even be considered the new orthodoxy.

  • When he attempts to lampoon what he sees as a silly orthodoxy, he often just gets it wrong.

  • By 600 b.c. , the Indo-Aryans had formed monarchies in the Ganga plain, surrounded by smaller tribes resisting the Brahmanic orthodoxy and its authoritarianism.

  • Any questioning of conservative orthodoxy was viewed as an act of betrayal, giving aid and comfort to the liberal enemy.

  • The trouble was that while "heroic rebel defies orthodoxy" is a story so good that nobody even tries to check it out, "guy makes minor contribution to well-established field, proclaims himself its founder" is so boring as to be unpublishable.

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