Example sentences for: oddball

How can you use “oddball” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In all the sections of the show, even the least conducive to frivolity, there is an element of playfulness and oddball aesthetic daring.

  • "The president; speaking about use of the Delta Force to combat oddball religious groups and political dissenters who have it coming."

  • After her marriage folded, Joyce started merchandising ghoulish, oddball dating stories, some of them prompted by this personal ad she placed in Boston magazine: "The truth is I'm gorgeous, slender, talented, and passionate.

  • $20 Million would be a good read even if you know nothing about computers, but it's an even better read if you do, since it delves intriguingly in and out of the psychoses and oddball situations rife in this industry.

  • Present were: presidential aide Sidney Blumenthal, newscaster Jim Lehrer, columnist Molly Ivins, journalist Christopher Hitchens, stunt man David Brock, and Murray Waas, the oddball investigative reporter who has been chronicling the machinations of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy for Salon and the New York Observer .

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