Example sentences for: odd-numbered

How can you use “odd-numbered” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the same way, those who support equal rights for women would be well advised to concentrate on the issues at hand and not contaminate their cause with trivia, like whether Romeo and Juliet or Antony and Cleopatra ought to have the order of the names reversed in odd-numbered years so that women get top billing.

  • No allowance has been made in the above calculations for the pronunciation key appearing on each odd-numbered page of the W .

  • This analysis also indicates that the odd-numbered protomers, AAA3 and AAA5, and the even numbered protomers, AAA2, and AAA4, form two separate groups in which, regardless of the organism they come from, the members in any one group are more closely related to each other than they are to any members of the other group.

  • However, such primordial di-protomeric AAA polypeptides would have to have been simpler than those present in NSF, ClpA and p97 and other AAA proteins of the current era, for the latter assemble into two-tiered hexameric assemblies, with the axis joining the two protomers in each polypeptide oriented perpendicular to the plane of the hexameric ring [ 14 ] . We cannot, at present, exclude an alternative model for midasin structure in which the hexameric AAA ring assembly is a dimeric two-layered structure formed by two midasin polypeptides arranged laterally with all six odd-numbered protomers in one layer and all six even-numbered protomers in the other.

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