Example sentences for: octanucleotide

How can you use “octanucleotide” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Earlier studies have shown that DAP, in DNA fragments, can widen the minor groove, as detected by reactivity towards uranyl nitrate or susceptibility to Dnase cleavage [ 29 ] , and can relieve compressions in the minor groove associated with A-tracts [ 30 ] . In contrast, NMR and molecular modeling studies of an oligonucleotide duplex containing MeC have demonstrated that, while this duplex still has a B-DNA conformation, there are differences in the structural parameters and thermal stability relative to the unmodified duplex [ 31 ] . An earlier study also found, in two closely related octanucleotide duplexes, that although the methylated duplexes retained their B-DNA conformation, different structural and thermal stability effects were seen [ 32 ] . Although these studies have been carried out with DNA-DNA and not DNA-RNA duplexes, it is possible that MeC substitution may have different structural consequences than DAP substitution.

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