Example sentences for: octanol

How can you use “octanol” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Optical imaging of neural activity evoked by electrical stimulation in the cultured rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) revealed that the spread of depolarization was inhibited by gap junction blockers (halothane, octanol) but not by a blocker of voltage-depended Na +channels.

  • As a matter of fact it was suggested that the gap junction coupling state between neurons in SCN is not static but dynamically regulated by the GABA A receptor system [ 14 ] . Also in vitro guinea-pig brain preparation prolonged seizure-like activity elicited using a brief application of bicuculline was abolished by the GJ channel blockers octanol and glycyrrhetinic acid as well as by intracellular acidification [ 16 ] .

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