Example sentences for: duplicons

How can you use “duplicons” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • There are two proximal breakpoints (BP1 and BP2) that define two classes of PWS/AS deletion [ 14 ] . The common distal breakpoint is termed BP3 and has a bipartite structure [ 15 16 ] . The BP2 and BP3 duplicons span several hundred kb and contain at least seven expressed sequences.

  • We were able to discern two major duplicons from this analysis: one segment derived from the CHRNA7 locus in 15q13.

  • However, there is highly significant homology over ~100-kb of sequence from assembly contig NT_035325 mapping to 15q26, where LCR-15 duplicon sequences have been reported [ 18 ] . These sequences appear to correspond to the LCR15 class of duplicons, based on sequence content.

  • Both genomic library characterization and partial sequence characterization (AC119799) indicate the presence of both LCR15 and HERC2 duplicons in this region.

  • BLAST analysis of BACS containing the partial APBA2 duplications revealed duplicon-like sequences, based on significant homology to a large number of BACs from known duplicons.

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