Example sentences for: dropouts

How can you use “dropouts” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • That is, when no particular information was available, we may assume that the same proportion of patients (80%) among the 24 (d)dropouts would have also responded, had they completed six months.

  • Missing data in a study because of dropouts may cause the usual statistical analysis for complete or available data to be subject to a potential bias.

  • You can see the openings of caves once used as necropolises (burial chambers) in the Talaiotic period; today some of them provide shelter for dropouts and backpackers.

  • Sensitivity analysis is actually the best way to analyze data in the presence of dropouts.

  • The design suggested by Murray and Findlay [ 14 ] , which forced dropouts upon observing uncontrolled BP, uses the MAR principle.

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