Example sentences for: dome

How can you use “dome” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • A few minutes’ walk from the Kongreßhalle you’ll find the Reichstag building, its huge, new glass dome, with its mirrored central funnel, visible from much of the city.

  • Its most outstanding landmark is the white geodesic dome of the Cinesphere.

  • A building boom underlined the prosperity: Giotto’s Campanile was at last completed, as were Ghiberti’s great baptistery doors, and Brunelleschi’s dome on the cathedral.

  • The 1835 white clapboard lighthouse here has been restored with a jolly red-and-white striped dome, while a less-attractive modern concrete tower does all the work.

  • The east end of the “creek” was the site of Expo ’86, perpetuated by the giant geodesic dome of Expo Centre, now operating as an exhibition hall and movie theatre.

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