Example sentences for: dogs

How can you use “dogs” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • "Cat leader, to all the other cats, to finally get those dogs.

  • "Dogs are never going to understand quantum mechanics.

  • Nicholas Dodman of the Tufts University Animal Behavior Clinic charged that labeling Chihuahuas as bad with children was essentially blaming the victim: "It's mainly the child's fault because they're doing really stupid things with the dogs."

  • Plant leaves and other plant parts including peppers were then rubbed into the wounds on the noses of the dogs [ 20 ] . This was done on the assumption that the power of scent in dogs was improved by these practices since the nasal mucous membranes were cleaned, the perceptions were sharpened, and the dog would keep its nose to the ground when hunting [ 20 21 ] . There seemed to be a mental connection of success in acquisition of game with pain previously inflicted on the hunter and his dog [ 20 ] . The nervous system of the dogs was irritated to such an extent that it was responsive to even the slightest external stimulus and therefore more likely to be successful in hunting [ 21 ] . There was also the belief that inflicting pain was a means of preparing to meet without flinching any pain or danger that could arise during the chase [ 20 ] . This preparation was not ill-advised since Lachesis muta muta often lives in the burrows of lappe and tatou [ 22 ] . Each hunting dog was trained to hunt one sort of game [ 20 ] .

  • No More Hot Dogs

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