Example sentences for: doggedly

How can you use “doggedly” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • " 'One Hell of a Gamble,' " writes Arthur Schlesinger Jr., Camelot's court historian, shows "an American president doggedly bent on the avoidance of nuclear war."

  • Juan Williams ( Fox News Sunday ) lobs out the idea that Starr is pursuing Bruce Lindsey so doggedly because Lindsey knows who authored the infamous talking points given to Linda Tripp.

  • Unlike Contact , and however doggedly, Shall We Dance?

  • Those of our male ancestors who most doggedly climbed to the top of the local status hierarchy were often rewarded with sex partners--either multiple wives (the Dole approach) or multiple lovers (the Clinton approach).

  • Each Ickes kept absurdly copious notes, and was doggedly loyal to his boss.

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