Example sentences for: doge

How can you use “doge” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The Gothic sculpture shows the doge kneeling before St. Mark’s lion, flanked by Prudence above Temperance in niches on the left, and Fortitude above Charity on the right.

  • Tintoretto’s Paradise adorns the entrance wall above the doge’s throne.

  • The last doge presented his abdication to Napoleon here.

  • Where the palazzo joins the basilica’s southernmost flank is the Porta della Carta (Gate of the Paper, where the doge posted his decrees and scribes gathered).

  • The ghosts of Dickens, Wagner, and Proust wander around the lobby of the venerable Danieli Hotel, a former doge’s residence that is one of Italy’s most romantic (the romantic lobby bar offers a moment of rest for the weary).

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