Example sentences for: doctored

How can you use “doctored” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The WSJ "Washington Wire" reports that Ken Starr's investigators are looking into whether or not Linda Tripp's tapes were doctored.

  • Some of these passports were then likely doctored by the al Qaeda passport division in Kandahar, which would add or erase entry and exit stamps to create "false trails" in the passports.

  • Both had been doctored.

  • KSM had doctored Hazmi's Saudi passport so it would appear as if Hazmi had traveled to Kuala Lumpur from Saudi Arabia via Dubai.

  • Now that the background material he sent to Congress has been released, the press has become interested in whether Linda Tripp doctored her tapes and whether Starr's agents and prosecutors improperly detained Lewinsky or misrepresented their treatment of her in the Jan.

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