Example sentences for: doctorate

How can you use “doctorate” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Brinkley has also mounted his thanatic pulpit to tell and retell anecdotes about Kennedy's decency: how he declined an honorary doctorate because he felt he didn't deserve it, how his racial compassion sparked him to visit Mike Tyson in jail.

  • Hoover's agents received special commendations for such petty deeds as getting Marquette University to withdraw an honorary doctorate it had planned to award King.

  • Bailey received his bachelor's degree from the University of Indianapolis in 1978 and a jurisprudence doctorate from Indiana University-Indianapolis in 1982.

  • A fire scientist whose doctorate is in tropical forest peat dynamics, Brady sees the project as a medium to strengthen regional fire ecology in general.

  • Campbell had allowed the laboratory to believe that he had a doctorate from Princeton University, the lab said, when in fact he had only finished his Ph.D. course work.

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