Example sentences for: ditag

How can you use “ditag” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 5B SAGE library, ditag amplification took place after the initial ditag ligation had been stored at -20°C for 3 months.

  • The fact that the tag abundance levels differ slightly more in the libraries made from the same ditag ligation than in those made from the same mRNA sample may reflect a small amount of denaturation of AT-rich ditags during storage of the ligation reaction, as has been previously reported [ 24 ] . Overall, microSAGE passes all the tests for representativity, reproducibility and accuracy used previously for conventional SAGE [ 2 ] .

  • 5B (library construction from ditag stage); Additional data file 3- crx +/+A vs crx +/+B (library construction from mRNA stage); Additional data file 4- 41-year-old peripheral retina and 44-year-old peripheral retina (individual/environmental variation); Additional data file 5- 44-year-old peripheral retina and 88-year-old peripheral retina (individual variation/age- and sex-dependent gene expression); Additional data file 6- P6.

  • Likewise, tag abundance levels in libraries made from identical mRNA samples and ditag ligations showed very high similarity.

  • 5 retinal libraries made from the same ditag ligation, but different large-scale PCR preparations, showed a correlation coefficient of 0.938 when all tags were considered, little difference between observed and expected p -values of variance (Figure 4), and showed relatively little difference between abundant tags (Figure 5b).

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