Example sentences for: disputed

How can you use “disputed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Bradley brushed aside most of Gore's criticisms at first, then disputed then calmly later on.

  • In its main front-page story, the paper reported from London--where the prime minister stopped to meet with Tony Blair on his way home from Washington--that this was one of Clinton's conditions for brokering a peace deal between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir.

  • Until Shatz's review, no one disputed my account of the scholarly record.

  • The actual details of the deal are still somewhat unclear, but it has emerged that the U.N. weapons inspectors will be accompanied by diplomats--as yet unidentified-- in their tours of the disputed Iraqi presidential sites.

  • The CD34 status of mesenchymal cells is disputed [ 7, 8].

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