Example sentences for: dispute

How can you use “dispute” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But that the man killed himself is beyond dispute.

  • Today the emphasis is on the war-long dispute between NATO commander Army Gen. Wesley Clark and his subordinate, air warfare chief Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Short.

  • Mickey Herskowitz, a sports columnist for the Houston Chronicle originally hired for the job, was fired in July following a dispute about what the book should contain.

  • It wasn't until the mid-1980s that Fallon and Everbrite devised blue and red OPEN signs (it's a matter of dispute who made the first one), but the way they sold them--door-to-door, mostly--kept prices high.

  • For those arriving late to this dispute: In an earlier item (" FDR: Father of Rock 'n' Roll"), Chatterbox wrote that "boomer math contradicts the boomer mythology that it was the baby boom that first absorbed rock 'n' roll into the mass culture."

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