Example sentences for: diskettes

How can you use “diskettes” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In order to do something useful, you have to buy a program, which is a package consisting of a number of diskettes and a manual.

  • Atta and Binalshibh used Bahaji's computer for Internet research, as evidenced by documents and diskettes seized by German authorities after 9/11.

  • It is probably true to say that an entire book could be written about this recent period in dictionary development, including not only the reflection of sound linguistic philosophy but the effects of the introduction of computers into the dictionary research, compilation, composition, and accession (as through personal computers to CD-ROMS and diskettes): certainly there is more documented information about it than the period of several hundered years covered in the first fourteen chapters of Chasing the Sun .

  • The diskettes seized from Bahaji's residence also contained bomb-making instructions.

  • The diskettes that contain programs have information on them that the computer “understands” and translates into a number of commands that make the machine do certain things.

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