Example sentences for: disk

How can you use “disk” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • USA Today brings a characteristic "human touch" to all the dry legal news, noting that moments after the Court announced the Internet ruling, "a staffer for groups opposing the law popped a disk containing the opinion into his laptop computer outside the court and transmitted it by cellular modem to an Internet site."

  • The blurb on this book/disk package reads, “Supplies you with 470,000 true synonyms for 40,000 entries.”

  • After it has been installed, the DOS, as it is called (once identified, nothing in computerese is ever called by its full name again: a Personal Computer becomes a PC; a Disk Operating System becomes a DOS; if it is made by a company called MicroSoft, it is called MS/DOS), performs certain functions, though rarely any that anyone but a computer specialist would want to perform.

  • It is apparently defined taxonomically on the basis of plesiomorphies (heterogamous, disciform capitula with perfect/fertile disk florets and pistillate ray florets), and needs to be re-circumscribed.

  • Thus, instead of one big hard drive I now have two little ones using the same physical disk.

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