Example sentences for: disagreed

How can you use “disagreed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • After all, in this piece the car-home-and-fire salesman turned global strategist describes the Gulf War as if it were a model of Clausewitzian clarity concerning ultimate goals and acceptable means, forgetting in the process that at the end of that war, the Bush/Powell/Schwarzkopf axis internally disagreed about war issues that had never been articulated for the American people: Should the U.S. destroy the Iraqi military, invade Baghdad, or topple Hussein even after Iraq was repulsed from Kuwait?

  • Did Rosen really not find anything in the book that he disagreed with?

  • Guohua Li disagreed with DiClemente that the efficacy of brief intervention in emergency settings had been established.

  • Cook implies that--at the height of Stalin's terror, and years after a planned Ukrainian famine that was arguably a genocide--those who disagreed with Eleanor and Esther Lape's quest for diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union were rustic lunkheads to a man.

  • Third, the site investigator and the CEC assessments of MI disagreed for 20% of the patients reviewed by the CEC.

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