Example sentences for: disagree

How can you use “disagree” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • I think we disagree over what constitutes revisionism.

  • 8. Given That Experts Disagree About Whether Retirement Saving Tax Incentives Are Effective In Increasing Personal Saving Overall, How Do These Tax Incentives Affect National Saving?

  • I disagree with my friend Jack Shafer ("Glass Houses") that fact checking doesn't protect magazines from young writers who make things up.

  • When Malcolm, rejoicing over a plane crash that killed 120 white Atlantans, chalked the disaster up to "our God" and hoped that "every day another plane falls out of the sky," King could only reply, feebly, "I would certainly disagree with him."

  • And so there is not that much in your message that I disagree with, because you are focusing on the business dynamics.

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