Example sentences for: dint

How can you use “dint” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • While Bush remained mired in a "Gentleman's C" groove for the duration of his undergraduate years, Bradley was able to pull himself out of his first-year struggles by dint of hard effort and went on to an honors degree and a Rhodes scholarship.

  • Costs would be lower by dint of lower wages and/or less frequent delivery.

  • If The Tin Drum has a negative take on Nazism, it is expressed obliquely, through explosive bursts of irreverent language, and by dint of the fact that, in 1959, Grass talks about things such as Kristallnacht --something few other German writers did at the time, at least not so boldly.

  • But the "CEOs are spoiled children whose main talent consists of yelling and screaming until they get what they want, even at the cost of others' well-being" is strange, particularly since all the children in the game who have got seats appear to have got them by dint of hard work and/or sharp tactics.

  • His father is different, he maintains, by dint of his Brooklyn roots.

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