Example sentences for: dietary

How can you use “dietary” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As mentioned, vegetarian dietary intervention of fibromyalgia has been tested by two investigators.

  • Thus, from this study it can be implied that restricting carbohydrate is less advantageous than restricting protein/lipid for mediating the effects of dietary restriction (DR) on life span.

  • If media giant Rupert Murdoch does choose to dine on human flesh, there are no kosher dietary laws that need deter him: Murdoch is not Jewish.

  • Fish consumption is a major dietary route of exposure for humans to PCBs [ 14 15 16 ] . Among anglers in the Great Lakes basin, sport fish consumption is the largest dietary contributor to persistent compounds [ 17 ] . Concern about consumption of fish from contaminated bodies of water has fostered research focusing on such consumption and pregnancy outcomes including the gestational age and birth weight of exposed infants.

  • The most prevalent, although apparently incorrect, dietary hypothesis among the general population in 1986 was the notion that increased fat consumption significantly increased risk.

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