Example sentences for: diem

How can you use “diem” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Prudie, too, is for seizing the diem, so give your dream a try and go for it.

  • For you, Prudie would adapt a famous admonition and tell you to Sharpei diem!

  • In its recent obituary of a legendary cold war spy, the NYT suggested that he was the conduit via which the U.S. arranged for Vietnamese generals to assassinate South Vietnam's president Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963.

  • Today, a letter writer who once interviewed the spy claims that to the dead man's knowledge, U.S. authorities never approved Diem's assassination.

  • , name, employee or social security number, etc.) and limitations such as per diem amounts allowed in the city where the traveler stayed.

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