Example sentences for: diehard

How can you use “diehard” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The participating lawyers say Ginsburg, a diehard Red Sox fan known for his trademark bow ties, is tough to turn down.

  • The political spin is that Bauer will be the Pat Buchanan of 2000: He lacks experience in elected office and is too conservative for most voters (he plans to make anti-abortion legislation a cornerstone of his campaign), but he will have plenty of diehard donors, volunteers, and caucus-goers from the religious right.

  • (Though some diehard libertarians will object that the prosperity is an illusion, because governments that have been empowered to make us more prosperous will inevitably abuse that power to our detriment.)

  • Instead, they'll portray it as a surge of turnout among diehard Clinton supporters.

  • My sister once dated a strapping young man who was a diehard booster of the University of Iowa, the sports teams of which are called the Hawkeyes.

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