Example sentences for: diderot

How can you use “diderot” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Denis Diderot has much to say about dress in the theater, and Honoré de Balzac wrote an incisive treatise on neckties, among his many essays on elegance.

  • Stimulated by the ideas of Voltaire, Rousseau, and Diderot, the country’s intellectuals were more keenly aware of being Europeans, but also Italians.

  • I think it is a waste of time for a major scholar to create an encyclopedia, despite the efforts of Diderot and Du Bois in the past.

  • Diderot’s Encyclopédie championed reason over traditional religion, Rousseau discoursed on the origins of inequality, Voltaire shot at everything that didn’t move.

  • He wants to read and know everything, much like Diderot, to whom Early compares him.

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