Example sentences for: dgcr

How can you use “dgcr” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The strategy used for sequencing DGCr1 clones appears to be more efficient, because on average they required fewer sequencing reads than DGCr2 clones.

  • DGCr2 clone sequences were screened for transposable element sequences, cases of co-ligation, and presence of a poly(A) tail before any finishing work was ordered.

  • For 151 of the 5'-short clones, 143 from DGCr1 and eight from DGCr2, we were able to identify clones with longer ORFs by additional EST sequencing.

  • DGCr1 clones less than 1.4 kb were assembled using phrap [ 33] and analyzed with custom scripts to determine whether they were complete.

  • In the course of evaluating the quality of the DGCr1 and DGCr2 cDNAs, described above, we compared their translation products to those of the recently completed Release 3 genomic sequence.

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