Example sentences for: deux

How can you use “deux” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • They finally decide to have a meal á deux at a chic cordon bleu restaurant.

  • But the French equivalent, or near equivalent, is actually Un oiseau dans la main vaut deux dans la haie , A bird in the hand is worth two in the hedge.

  • Pentru barbati sont deux mots de la langue roumane; ils signifient “pour hommes” (for gentlemen).

  • From the massive timber and stone Chalet de la Montagne or the steel cross at the summit (illuminated at night), you can look out over the river flowing from the Lac des Deux Montagnes past the city on its northeasterly journey to the Atlantic.

  • Prudie also understands your wish to make a life à deux (which is why she has rice marks, herself, from her various tries).

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