Example sentences for: detritus

How can you use “detritus” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Surgeons, should we need anything besides our bare hands, keep our stethoscopes coiled up in a pocket of our white coats like forgotten but occasionally necessary detritus.

  • Throughout his artistic life, he drew his imagery from the detritus of printed material—gum wrapper comics and small ads from the backs of newspapers—deliberately elevating visual sources at the opposite pole from the high art of the Renaissance.

  • The Daily Telegraph said Wednesday that the bed "is covered in urine-stained sheets and torn pillows and is surrounded by the detritus of her sojourn.

  • Cameron is the Kim Philby of Boys R Us, the man whose Girl Movie in Boy Movie's Clothing led to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" and to the detritus of Leomania.

  • Wrapped tightly in his Web cocoon, the First Netizen of the Church of Cyberspace suffers hourly in the service of his new media victims: the timorous who prefer the Internet to the terror of face-to-face contact; the paranoid who extrapolate "the world is out to get me" conspiracies from the detritus of politics; Game Boy boys; phone phreaks; the kids down at the Smut Shack; and the teeming millions whose idea of a reality check is consulting a Web address.

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