Example sentences for: detract

How can you use “detract” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • If the United States were to veto the resolution, as it is reportedly proposing to do, "it would detract from its credentials as the principal promoter and protector of the Middle East peace process," it said.

  • He is now beyond our--or, at least, my--power to add or detract.

  • Robert Kuttner, in his WP op-ed advocating further raises in the minimum wage, observes that the past two years have shown that raising the minimum wage doesn't detract from job creation.

  • The red "Wrong" stamped across the scene is a standard technique that does little to detract from the effect of seeing Dole with a man widely seen, fairly or unfairly, as the Darth Vader of Medicare.

  • The just-quoted statistic suggests that they've shown it also doesn't detract from--maybe stimulates--productivity.

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