Example sentences for: dent

How can you use “dent” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This satisfied no one: It was not enough to dent Albanian unemployment and just enough to rile Serbs.

  • First, U.S. disruption efforts thus far had "not put too much of a dent" in Bin Ladin's network.

  • Convinced that corporate largess and government programs barely dent the nation's legal needs, the law schools are urging graduates to buck tradition, pass up big salaries and ignore mushrooming student debt to join tiny neighborhood practices or simply start their own, all with an eye toward charging no more than their clients can afford.

  • It was the French who established the comparison in dent de lion `tooth of a lion,' from the tooth-shaped leaves of the plant.

  • But no matter how much you give to CARE, you will never make a serious dent in the problem of starving children.

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