Example sentences for: demand

How can you use “demand” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This means, of course, that if the case ever gets to the penalty phase, Judge Jackson will have to demand, before everything else, that Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer bring him a shrubbery, lest he have to say 'Ni!

  • U.S. demand for activated carbon is expected to slightly increase as a result of the Clear Skies Act.

  • Participants also generally agreed that the demand side (investors and other users of financial information), has not been as involved as it needs to be to make financial reporting more meaningful and understandable.

  • Demand for boilermaker labor is significant when compared to the boilermaker labor supply basis.

  • This professional audience for difficult "texts" created the demand that Pynchon first filled with V. and Gravity's Rainbow , the semiotic monoliths whose mix of scientific imagery, Cold War absurdity, and Joycean allusion provided a kind of full-employment program for a generation of rising postdocs.

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