Example sentences for: degas

How can you use “degas” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As his fellow Impressionists died one after the other--Pissarro in 1903, Cézanne in 1906, Degas in 1917, Renoir in 1919--Monet ended up, once again, like Ishmael, at the end of Moby-Dick : "Now I am the last survivor of the group," he sighed.

  • In the most complex of Degas' photographs, his great dual portrait of the painter Renoir and the poet Stéphane Mallarmé (Museum of Modern Art, New York), Renoir's head is posed dead center in the composition, with the vertical of the mirror frame bisecting his head.

  • But Japan represented something new for van Gogh, not the jaggedly cropped edges and off-kilter points of view that attracted Degas and Cassatt but rather an imaginary world of nature worship; available women; and flat, shadowless color.

  • Degas knew what he wanted and would push till he got it.

  • With this show the Metropolitan brings to a close an extraordinary cycle of Degas exhibitions that began with the huge retrospective of 10 years ago and proceeded through such lesser-known materials as Degas' monotypes, his landscapes, and his private collection of works by other artists.

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