Example sentences for: defensively

How can you use “defensively” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • This in turn strongly suggests that physicians have a stark choice: accept the new regime and completely reject the old, or defensively hold on to the old and reject EBM entirely.

  • "Now, just a few short years later, the Clinton team is defensively and guiltily struggling to ignore the world's largest country, and top US officials disingenuously profess not to be worried by the sight of Russian blackjack bombers flying over Norway in a nose-thumbing gesture at the West."

  • Some of his teams have been strong offensively, others defensively.

  • Whereas the medical-expertise argument is defensively neutral, the "who decides" question is aggressively political.

  • Asked whether the proposed establishment of a Near Earth Object Task Force wasn't rather a limp response to such a cataclysmic threat, a spokesman for the Science Ministry said defensively, "It's not as if there are asteroids hovering above the earth."

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