Example sentences for: decor

How can you use “decor” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The design and decor of the new tower are based on paintings from the Yuan and Ming dynasties and a model of the bridge as it existed in the Qing Dynasty.

  • The ceremonial staircase which leads to Frederick the Great’s state apartments has an abstract modern ceiling fresco by Hann Trier in place of the original decor which was destroyed by fire.

  • The more typical ESPRIT decor is, in fact, wall-to-wall paper--much of it in curious Euro-colours like mauve and puce.

  • Place names and the like often become verbs when used with an- ize or an - ify suffix: The story was Hollywoodized; The area risks being balkanized; The region was Vaticanized; The decor was Frenchified; The country is becoming Swissified; The immigrant quickly became Americanized; Standard British English is being Cockneyfied .

  • Over twenty years of wear have left furniture and other decor in a shabby state inconsistent with an impressive law school.

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