Example sentences for: deconvolution

How can you use “deconvolution” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The deconvolution is obtained using the "Penalized Least_Squares" regularization approach [ 5 ] , where the regularization parameter (referred to here as a "smoothing parameter") limits the roughness of the B-spline function.

  • It can be seen that for this "simple" model the error in the deconvolution intestinal absorption rate is quite small, despite the large early error in the venous concentration.

  • The tests of the deconvolution procedure in this paper are based on two sets of data: one with a single gamma distribution input and one with this same gamma distribution plus a delayed, smaller gamma distribution input.

  • In this section the four different techniques described in the background section will be used to determine the intestinal absorption function I(t) by deconvolution (see eq.

  • 11) deconvolution methods.

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