Example sentences for: cat-and-mouse

How can you use “cat-and-mouse” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Early in the proceedings we saw a cat-and-mouse game develop over what to call `money that is excess over expenses in a business transaction.

  • But the rest is just a cat-and-mouse game for a rather slow-witted cat and an even slower-witted mouse.

  • The U.N.'s chief weapons inspector, Richard Butler, tells the NYT about the Iraqi cat-and-mouse games he's had to endure, such as being stalled for twenty minutes while Iraqi computer guys replaced hard drives containing records of the country's entire weapons program with ones running only computer games.

  • The next day, in a cat-and-mouse game with reporters over the meaning of "permissive environment," Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart alternately defined it as a) "one where there is a political settlement"; and b) "an environment where the Serbs and Milosevic don't have the ability to impose their will."

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