Example sentences for: cat

How can you use “cat” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • I thought you might like to know that I did begin legal proceedings in small claims court, but the cat's former owner and I settled.

  • (In one of the book's first scenes, he kills his sons' mutt by crushing it in a door after it tears apart a neighbor's cat.)

  • But the rest is just a cat-and-mouse game for a rather slow-witted cat and an even slower-witted mouse.

  • Comparable long term retention of apical spiral sensory neurons was described for the deaf white cat [ 25 ] and may also be the case in humans with congenital deafness.

  • Polyclonal antibodies raised in rabbit against a synthetic peptide with a sequence derived from the cytoplasmic, NH 2 -terminal domain of the rat IP 3 R2 protein (E 317 LNPDYRDAQNEGKTVRD 334 ), were also purchased from Affinity Bioreagents, Inc. (Golden, CO, cat #PA1-904).

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