Example sentences for: affirmative-action

How can you use “affirmative-action” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Only six of 74 public colleges, universities, and graduate programs in California and Texas suffered losses in minority enrollment following affirmative-action bans.

  • In defending this scenario, Bennett, Hatch, and others have already used the same argument conservatives denounce as elitist and patronizing in the case of the affirmative-action initiative: that disingenuous wording misled voters about the measure's real effect.

  • It's a group of affirmative-action supporters appointed to rubber-stamp Clinton policies, the article says.

  • The regulations naturally say that the panels should not lower standards simply to boost numbers, but affirmative-action plans often say similar things, and critics usually have little trouble seeing through it.

  • Obviously, the affirmative-action debate is an important if well-worn controversy.

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