Example sentences for: afferents

How can you use “afferents” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • It therefore remains unclear what supports the many afferents in the apex of the Brn3c null mutants until 6 months of age or longer, unknown peripheral neurotrophic substances or neurotrophic support provided by the CNS.

  • This retention of afferents and efferents is unrelated to hair cell differentiation as not even immature hair cells can be detected at early postnatal stages with MyoVII immunocytochemistry in this part of the cochlea.

  • These afferents transduce the intercostal muscle mechanical events into a neural code that projects to the central nervous system.

  • Past research has shown that in BDNF and trkB null mutants this innervation to canal cristae is lost before birth [ 6 13 ] . That even these low levels of expression are significant is clear from the fact that all canal sensory epithelia receive an innervation by both afferents and efferents at birth and later (Figs.

  • The 1° afferents possessed higher conduction velocities (CV = 68.

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