Example sentences for: aetna

How can you use “aetna” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • And while Dunlap may have cut too close to the bone, Sunbeam is not like Union Pacific or Aetna, where excessive downsizing clearly hurt their ability to function.

  • What both the Aetna and Union Pacific stories illuminate is the degree to which downsizing has become simply a reflex decision for many managers.

  • The company is now hiring back a hundred or so claims agents to speed up processing, but it remains unclear how much long-term damage was done, in terms of alienated clients and health-care providers and of the months that Aetna has spent essentially flying blind.

  • Aetna discovered that, in the words of its president, "We miscalculated how valuable the experience level was, and is, in the staff that works in these service centers."

  • But you don't have to look too deeply beneath the surface to recognize that the problems Union Pacific and Aetna are facing stem from the same cause, namely overhasty and overaggressive job cutting, and that together they represent what you might call the downside of downsizing.

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