Example sentences for: aerobic

How can you use “aerobic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Westerterp and his colleagues have reported two observations: first, that general activity contributes more to energy consumption than “aerobic exercise” does and second, that many subjects who initiate an exercise program (such as a twice weekly visit to the gym) overcompensate so that they actually decrease overall activity [23].

  • Aerobic Workout: 2

  • Aerobic Workout: 3

  • The growth potential of the eno -and gpmAB - in silico deletion strains was theoretically maintained under aerobic conditions by the synthesis and degradation of serine, and without the serine degradation pathway, the eno -and gpmAB -gene products were defined as essential.

  • Non-essential genes : Several genes that are critical for growth in conditions defined by the LO were non-essential for growth in other phases ( nuo , cyoABCD, fumABC ). The in silico nuo -and cyoABCD -deletion strains were limited in their production capabilities of high-energy phosphate bonds for aerobic growth; however, under anaerobic conditions high-energy phosphate bonds were produced by substrate level phosphorylation.

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