Example sentences for: adulation

How can you use “adulation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • So when people ask whether I am Peter Maass, the writer, I should feel good, I should feel triumphant, I should feel like a master of the literary universe receiving the adulation he so rightly deserves, and I should reply in a voice of elegant humility, "Yes, I am."

  • The adulation that journalists showered on Castro and Marcos and Hafez al-Assad passed Pol Pot by.

  • Since they are so prominent and have been blessed with so much wealth and public adulation, they have a responsibility to be role models of sensible behavior.

  • Connoisseurs of singing rarely hold moderate opinions, and there is hardly a singer who elicits more adulation and disapproval at the same time than mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli, who opens Oct. 16 in a new, made-to-order production of Rossini's La Cenerentola at the Metropolitan Opera.

  • My irritation with the adulation of Big Names does not arise from my lack of fame, or from my working at a small university (which gives me freedom from "publish or perish": I can write what and when I like, rather than having to "crank it out").

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