Example sentences for: adsorbed

How can you use “adsorbed” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • For experiments in Figure 5, all four reactions consisted of 125 ng GST-T7-Cdc14 adsorbed to 20 μl anti-GST beads, 200 ng His6-T7-Net1N, 1 μl Plx1, 20 μl kinase buffer containing ATP, and the ATP depletion system (see below).

  • Generally less sensitive than flow-through tests, because the toxic substances may degrade or be adsorbed, thereby reducing the apparent toxicity.

  • Generally less sensitive than static renewal or flow-through tests, because the toxic substances may degrade or be adsorbed, thereby reducing the apparent toxicity.

  • For example, oligodeoxyribonucleotide probes can be covalently attached to a surface [ 10 ] , synthesized in situ [ 11 12 13 ] , or retained via electrostatic interactions with a positively charged surface [ 14 ] . A recent study examining the effect of mismatches along the length of in situ synthesized 60 mer oligodeoxyribonucleotides demonstrated a lack of an effect of mismatches for the first ten to fifteen bases at the 3' (surface) end of the oligodeoxyribonucleotide, suggesting that these bases may not be accessible during the hybridization reaction [ 12 ] . Other problems may exist when oligodeoxyribonucleotides are adsorbed to a positively-charged surface.

  • Generally less sensitive than renewal because the toxic substances may degrade or be adsorbed, thereby reducing the apparent toxicity.

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