Example sentences for: adjusts

How can you use “adjusts” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In response to directives contained in these sections and HCFA's experience, the rule adjusts various elements associated with hospital costs.

  • How hard it will be to come up with an agreed-upon path to a balanced budget depends on how the CBO adjusts its projections for 2002.

  • Pulsetone, as mentioned in Galef's footnote, is the label (placard) on an instrument for a switch that adjusts the instrument to operate on one or the other.

  • In addition to adjusting the fee schedule to ensure collection of the $126,400,000, the Report and Order also adjusts the fee schedule and associated payment procedures for certain fees mandated by Congress, makes changes to the estimated number of units subject to a fee, and incorporates certain public interest considerations.

  • The methodology adjusts the fudge constant flexibly and achieves an improved performance.

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