Example sentences for: adj

How can you use “adj” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • station adj.

  • Adj, adjusted

  • ABC art scree audiotypist adenosine ABBREVIATIONS (4) bioelectrogenesis 3',5'-monophosphate ADP cryochemistry Age of BAL Aquarius EEC cytoecology air battery IDDD dehydrotestosterone Aquarian ACRONYM Age KWOC geoprobe arcjet UNABBREVIATED heliborne, are-jet engine SHORTENINGS (6) adj.

  • core city special situa- projectual cyclic group tion psychedeli- death control speed freak cize, v. dunk shot surfer's knot quadriphon- eye doctor teaching ma- ics fly-cruise chine quantized, fractional or- T-time adj.

  • AQUADEXTROUS (ak wa dekśtrus) adj.

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